Áreas Médicas
- Acupuncture
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Rehabilitation
- Dental prosthesis
- Dentistry
- Dor Orofacial
- Endodontics
- Facial Harmonization
- Fixed and removable prosthesis
- Harmonização Facial
- Implantology
- Internal Medicine
- Invisalign
- Medicina de Sono
- Naturopathy
- Nephrology
- Nutrition
- Occlusion
- Oral Hygiene
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Oral Surgery
- Orofacial Pain
- Orthodontics
- Osteopathy
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontology
- Physical Therapy
- Prótese Dentária
- Psychology
- Reabilitação Oral
- Sleep Medicine
- Sorriso Natural

Acupuncture is a millenary therapeutic practice, originating in China, which loses its age in time. It reaches the West in the 17th century, brought by Jesuit Missionaries who gave it its name: Acupuncture (from the Latin words: Acus - needle and Puncture - sting).
Concretely, Acupuncture is a technique whose main purpose is the creation of therapeutic stimuli that act on the system of regulation of the organism. Very fine needles are introduced (or MOXAS - moxibustion) at defined points, selected after previous diagnosis and which are connected by a network of routes - MERIDIANS - related and corresponding, in names and functions, to organs (ZANG) and viscera (FU). In this network of Meridians circulate the energy flows IQ (read TCH'I), of nature YIN or YANG, which must maintain a harmonious balance.
If not, the disease arises. Acupuncture aims to neutralize these deviations, regulating and restoring the harmony of the energetic physiology of the body, correcting its excesses and deficiencies.
The validity of Acupuncture is no longer under discussion. It has survived all the attacks, the destruction, the impediments, the detractors. Practiced in many countries in the world and currently taught in many Faculties of Medicine, it is already integrated in the health systems of several countries.
Concretely, Acupuncture is a technique whose main purpose is the creation of therapeutic stimuli that act on the system of regulation of the organism. Very fine needles are introduced (or MOXAS - moxibustion) at defined points, selected after previous diagnosis and which are connected by a network of routes - MERIDIANS - related and corresponding, in names and functions, to organs (ZANG) and viscera (FU). In this network of Meridians circulate the energy flows IQ (read TCH'I), of nature YIN or YANG, which must maintain a harmonious balance.
If not, the disease arises. Acupuncture aims to neutralize these deviations, regulating and restoring the harmony of the energetic physiology of the body, correcting its excesses and deficiencies.
The validity of Acupuncture is no longer under discussion. It has survived all the attacks, the destruction, the impediments, the detractors. Practiced in many countries in the world and currently taught in many Faculties of Medicine, it is already integrated in the health systems of several countries.