Áreas Médicas
- Acupuncture
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Rehabilitation
- Dental prosthesis
- Dentistry
- Dor Orofacial
- Endodontics
- Facial Harmonization
- Fixed and removable prosthesis
- Harmonização Facial
- Implantology
- Internal Medicine
- Invisalign
- Medicina de Sono
- Naturopathy
- Nephrology
- Nutrition
- Occlusion
- Oral Hygiene
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Oral Surgery
- Orofacial Pain
- Orthodontics
- Osteopathy
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontology
- Physical Therapy
- Prótese Dentária
- Psychology
- Reabilitação Oral
- Sleep Medicine
- Sorriso Natural

Nutrition is a biological process in which organisms (animals and plants), using food, assimilate nutrients to perform their vital functions.
In health and medicine, nutrition is the study of the relationships between food intake and disease or human well-being.
Good nutrition depends on a regular and balanced diet - that is to say, the body's cells must be provided not only with the right amount but also with the right variety of nutrients that are important for their proper functioning. The best-known food guides are food pyramids.
In health and medicine, nutrition is the study of the relationships between food intake and disease or human well-being.
Good nutrition depends on a regular and balanced diet - that is to say, the body's cells must be provided not only with the right amount but also with the right variety of nutrients that are important for their proper functioning. The best-known food guides are food pyramids.