Áreas Médicas
- Acupuncture
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Rehabilitation
- Dental prosthesis
- Dentistry
- Dor Orofacial
- Endodontics
- Facial Harmonization
- Fixed and removable prosthesis
- Harmonização Facial
- Implantology
- Internal Medicine
- Invisalign
- Medicina de Sono
- Naturopathy
- Nephrology
- Nutrition
- Occlusion
- Oral Hygiene
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Oral Surgery
- Orofacial Pain
- Orthodontics
- Osteopathy
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Periodontology
- Physical Therapy
- Prótese Dentária
- Psychology
- Reabilitação Oral
- Sleep Medicine
- Sorriso Natural

Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that takes care of children's oral health.
Today we know that the big fear that adults have of facing the dentist's chair is due to the negative experiences they had as children. That is why the work of the pediatric dentist is so important.
Today we know that the big fear that adults have of facing the dentist's chair is due to the negative experiences they had as children. That is why the work of the pediatric dentist is so important.